Wednesday, May 30, 2007


We haven’t posted for a while and it’s not like we’ve been overly busy, more overly lazy…

Wedding plans have been eating my face. I keep trying to convince Drex that we should just elope and get rid of the mess that wedding planning causes but he’s not such a fan of that idea. We got my dress though and I’m excited about that…and I bought my shoes today and convinced my mom that stockings in August on the East Coast are not a good plan (points for me!). Other than that, I guess things are moving along fairly swiftly in that department…just over 2 months to go which is super crazy.

I’ve been looking for a teaching job for next year. I’m sick of office work and though my friends were good enough to hook me up with the job I currently have, it’s definitely not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life (I would have to claw my eyes out if it were). I had 4 interviews and hadn’t heard anything back after a couple of weeks, so I checked my professional email on Monday and found that 3 of the 4 schools had decided to hire someone else. One of those schools was the school where I did my internship. I figured that job would be an easy one to get because I know the students, I know the faculty, I have what it takes to be successful at that school and it would take far less time to train me than it would to train a completely new teacher. I felt like the interview had gone fairly well, so I was really surprised to get that email. I called one of my friends (who happened to be one of the people who interviewed me) and asked her what I could do better in future interviews so that I can actually get a job. She said, “Oh, your interview was fine. You did really well…Sarah just doesn’t like you.” Um, can we say extremely unprofessional (Sarah is the principal at the school)? Her personal feelings should not dictate whether or not they hire me if I’m qualified for the job and based on what my friend said, I was more than qualified for the job. Then I realized that this woman who doesn’t like me is at the top of my reference list on my resume. Then things started clicking in to place: am I not getting jobs because people are calling her and she’s telling them that I’m a bad teacher???? If that’s the case, then I’m uber pissed because I didn’t get a job last year and I don’t know if I’m going to get one for this next year. I decided to take her off my reference list and we’ll see what happens with the interview I had yesterday. Side note: while I was talking to this friend, she mentioned that she and another teacher ran into one of my former students while they were at lunch the other day and they mentioned that I was engaged and his reaction was, “really?? We always thought she was gay.” I thought that was pretty great, or at least it lifted my mood from uber pissed to only slightly pissed.

Lately I’ve felt like we’ve missed out on a lot of things in the mohosphere. I don’t think it’s true because we religiously read the blogs and we hang out with people, I guess it’s just because it’s summer and so many people have left. I hung out with Gimple last night and we went to dinner at Leatherbys. We go there entirely too often, but it’s so good (get the cheesy fries, they’re amazing). Then we went and hung out with Hidden for a bit—well, actually, we watched him play Settlers of Cataan with some other friends. I miss the moho parties we threw…maybe I’ll have to plan another one soon so that we can have fun together again.

If any of you haves ins in any secondary schools in Utah Valley or the south end of the Salt Lake valley, please please please let me know because I desperately need a job.



Marlo said...

did you say August on the East Coast? Might I inquire as to what general area of the East Coast?

Anonymous said...

You got a dress and you haven't sent me a picture of it yet? I know I'm not into the whole girly wedding thing, but come on! Even I want to be in the know on my best friend's wedding dress!

salad said...

Washington DC is where we're getting married

Hidden said...

Um yes, and I need to see the shoes with the dress to make sure they are fashionably appropriate...

Ps, thanks for coming over... and watching us play. I wanted it to be not lame, but didn't know how? That's why I offered to play a different game...

Sigh. I tried.

Last night was pretty fun, though Playa made the dumb mistake of not busting out his 8player game till everyone was gone... sigh Oh playa.

In a speedo...and doc martens...

playasinmar said...

...and a tuxedo bow tie.